
Friday, March 18, 2011


Dear Mr President (His Excellency Hon. Mwai Kibaki) and Mr Prime Minister (Rt Hon. Raila Odinga),


The on going debate on International Criminal Court (ICC) has prompted me to write to you.

The coalition government in which you are was not part of your dream as we Kenyans voted in the December of 2007.

The disputed election results led into what has never been experienced in this nation - death of more than 1,000 Kenyans as thousands were displace from their homes (Many Kenyan are carrying untold scares of rape, infection,maimed... loss of loved ones, psychological trauma). Regrettably up to date thousands of Kenyan are still living in IDP camps, notwithstanding we are approaching not only the end of your coalition Government but another general election year is with us.

Individually I do understand what you are going through - most of us Kenyans can not understand:the tough choices you have to make every passing day to sustain this undreamt leadership.

Such tough choices determine the leadership we are experiencing. Since the formation of your Government you have made tremendous strides in infrastructure, especially roads that are opening up the entire country; the new constitution in another positive achievement - if implemented according to the set time frame, in letter and spirit, the dreams and aspirations of Kenya will realize a new dawn. Yes, Vision 2030 will become a reality, among other achievements. Congratulations.

ICC is not supposed to divide this country as its of now. This is going back to where we were in the late 2007 and earlier months of 2008: the darkest moment of our nation. It is this dark history of our nation that we have to learn from - for it never to happen again.

This calls for serious - personal - interrogation from you as the principals of this Government. Why? "It is an abomination to kings to commit wickedness: for the throne is established by righteousness," Proverbs 26:12.

The thin line between right and wrong is so delicate, so fragile, especially in making difficult choices which can cost the entire nation: That is the line you're walking on. One misstep will lead to irreversible consequences.

To avoid this path of dark moments calls for self sacrifice. Statesmanship.

The ICC issues will require the two of you, to go back into that day and moment, when you matched out of Harambee House with Dr. Kofi Annan's word,"we have a deal."

For this to be a reality you need to embrace a mindset that is far beyond your self, which is only attainable by choice:"Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross," Philippians 2:5-8.

Humility, is the key in this process. Humility to go to the drawing board. Humility to call, even Annan and his team to deliberate the best way forward. Humility to let justice roll like a mighty river without investing personal interest.

Every crisis is an opportunity to enable us become a better people. To put up better institutions that can outlive your leadership. This is your opportunity to leave a legacy.

The ICC crisis is your opportunity to move this nation to a higher ground than we have found.You are equal to the challenge.

Praying for you, always:"The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:The LORD lift up his countenance upon thee, and give thee peace," Numbers 6:24-26.

Yours faithful citizen,

Robert Okemwa Onsare.

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